The "Best at AGROS" competition traditionally awards the most popular solutions adapted for the Russian agricultural market. This year a record number of applications were submitted to participate in the event! Based on the results of responsible work, an independent commission of authoritative industry experts awarded the status of Winner to some of them, including in the category "Best Product at AGROS 2024".

More information about the winners, their products and solutions will be available at the AGROS exhibition from January 24 to 26 at the Crocus Expo IEC. There, on the first day of the event, the awards ceremony for the Best at AGROS 2024 will take place.
Победители в номинации Лучший продукт на выставке АГРОС
The "Best at AGROS" competition traditionally awards the most popular solutions adapted for the Russian agricultural market. This year a record number of applications were submitted to participate in the event! Based on the results of responsible work, an independent commission of authoritative industry experts awarded the status of Winner to only some of them, including in the nomination "Best Feeding Solution at AGROS 2024".

More information about the winners, their products and solutions will be available at the AGROS exhibition from January 24 to 26 at the Crocus Expo IEC. There, on the first day of the event, the awards ceremony for the Best at AGROS 2024 will take place.
Победители в номинации Лучшее кормовое решение на выставке АГРОС
The "Best at AGROS" competition traditionally awards the most popular solutions adapted for the Russian agricultural market. This year a record number of applications were submitted to participate in the event! Based on the results of responsible work, an independent commission of authoritative industry experts awarded the status of Winner to only some of them, including in the new nomination "Best Veterinary Solution at AGROS 2024".

More information about the winners, their products and solutions will be available at the AGROS exhibition from January 24 to 26 at the Crocus Expo IEC. There, on the first day of the event, the awards ceremony for the Best at AGROS 2024 will take place.
Победители в номинации Лучшее ветеринарое решение на выставке АГРОС
The "Best at AGROS" competition traditionally awards the most popular solutions adapted for the Russian agricultural market. This year a record number of applications were submitted to participate in the event! Based on the results of responsible work, an independent commission of authoritative industry experts awarded the status of Winner to only some of them, including in the nomination "Best Scientific Development at AGROS 2024".

More information about the winners, their products and solutions will be available at the AGROS exhibition from January 24 to 26 at the Crocus Expo IEC. There, on the first day of the event, the awards ceremony for the Best at AGROS 2024 will take place.
Победители в номинации Лучшая научная разработка на выставке АГРОС
The "Best at AGROS" competition traditionally awards the most popular solutions adapted for the Russian agricultural market. This year a record number of applications were submitted to participate in the event!

For the first time in the five-year history of the competition, the independent commission decided to introduce a Special Award "For a significant contribution in the field of import substitution and technology development".

More information about the winners, their products and solutions will be available at the AGROS exhibition from January 24 to 26 at the Crocus Expo IEC. There, on the first day of the event, the awards ceremony for the Best at AGROS 2024 will take place.
In the category "Best Product at AGROS-2024" the following products received the awards:
In the category "Best Feeding Solution at AGROS-2024" the following products received the awards:
The following solutions received the awards in the nomination "Best veterinary solution AGROS-2024":
In the nomination "Best Scientific Development at AGROS-2024" the following developments received the awards:
The special award "For significant contribution in the field of import substitution and technology development" was awarded to:
BIOCOMPLEX Group of companies
LUMEX Group of companies
Sokol Technology